Hello! For those who don’t know me, my name is Lauren Allen.

Some things about me:

  • I am a senior marketing major at Belmont University in Nashville, TN. I graduate this May!
  • I was born and raised in Colleyville, TX, which is right outside of Dallas.
  • What I’m involved in: I am a member of Phi Mu Sorority and currently the VP of Communications for the American Marketing Association chapter. Outside of school, I have a marketing internship with an online boutique called James + Abel- check it out!
  • A few things I LOVE: the beach, working out, the color pink, coffee shops, going on walks, buying new things, desserts, decorating, and skiing!
  • I have always been passionate about fashion and beauty, literally since I was a little girl. I would tell my mom or grandma what they should or shouldn’t wear… so maybe this is what I’m meant to do? Guess we’ll find out lol!
  • My closet is the go-to place for my friends when they need something to wear! I love helping people out when it comes to fashion.